Community & Individual Support

Services and activities are delivered under a Neighbourhood Centre model.  We link people with formal and informal support.  Create social connections and inclusion.  Integrate local community action.

Our trained staff are professional, empathetic, caring and dedicated to making a difference in your life.  Contact us to learn more about how we can help you live a full and independent life.

Contact Us

What sort of services & activities?

Services and activities include:

  • counselling (family /individual/ group);
  • recreational programs and activities;
  • supportive services for socially isolated persons;
  • enhancing cultural identity through events such as cultural activities, annual information workshops, International Women’s Day celebrations, client Christmas functions;
  • general information, advice and referral between 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday;
  • education, information and resources;
  • health and well-being;
  • self-help network;
  • provision of resources such as meeting spaces for community members and groups;

How to access services

A small contribution will be required to access various activities or programs.

Contact our community services officer for further information on 07 3624 6100.

Activities are flexible and culturally inclusive.  They include a mix of quality programs and activities that build skills, provide knowledge, promote personal and social development, promote physical well-being, and create and sustain local networks.

Your tailored options

This program is quite flexible.  Under this program we make it easy for you to access a counsellor if you need support with family issues.  The activities organised also promote self help and facilitate access to community events and opportunities for social connection in your neighbourhood.

Call us directly

If you have time right now, why not call us? A personal conversation is always better don’t you think?

Call 1800 262 748

What sort of activities?

Access activities such as the ones below.

Community support Brisbane yoga class

Yoga Class

Have you always wanted to try yoga but not sure what level will suit you?  Are you on a tight budget and keen to join a class that is great value for money? Co.As.It. Community Services is running yoga classes at Amici House in Bracken Ridge

Yoga Classes
Woman holding phone at community support tech class

Tech Class

Have you wanted to learn how to use technology but you don’t know where to go? Try our friendly tech class run by Co.As.It. Community Services at Amici House in Bracken Ridge. Learn to master your smart phone and how to use a wide range of apps and functions

Tech Class
Nourishing the soul women's group, a community support.

Womens Group

Women’s groups in the north of Brisbane used to be hard to find, not any more! Co.As.It. Community Services have an exceptional women’s group called ‘Nourishing the Soul’ at Amici House in Bracken Ridge. The gathering aims to create opportunities for multi-aged and multicultural women to develop, increase, or improve their self-esteem and self-love.

Women's Group
Community support art classes - woman at table painting

Art Class

Have you always wanted to try art but not sure if you had the right skills? Co.As.It. Community Services is running inclusive art classes for all levels at Amici House in Bracken Ridge. Try your hand and boost your creativity

Art Classes
Latin dancing at Co.As.It community support

Latin Dance Class

Want to meet new people, have fun, improve your fitness and learn Latin Dance? Co.As.It. Community Services is running Latin dance classes across two convenient locations in Brisbane.

Latin Dance Class
Senior learning about cybersecurity in a seniors tech class Brisbane

Cybersecurity for Seniors

Join our new cyber security program for seniors ‘Fight Cyber Crime’ for tips on how to stay safe online.

Sessions will be held at:
*Amici House from Wednesday 26 March from 10am to 12pm
* Co.As.It. Lutwyche from Thursday 27 March from 10am to 12pm.

The cost is $20 for a block of 4 classes. Please bring your own mobile or device.
For more information or to book please phone (07) 3624 6100.

Cybersecurity for Seniors