
Co.As.It partners with other cultural and community organisations as well as education bodies.

(1)       Co.As.It. together with 17 other service providers works in partnership with PHN Brisbane North  to deliver the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funder by the Department of Health and Ageing.  A collaboration between the 17 service providers was established in 2013 with a shared goal in improving the health benefits and lives of eligible individuals in the Brisbane North and Cabool regions.  The consortium is able to leverage the collective expertise, resources, and decision-making capabilities to maximise the impact of the CHSP. The consortium allows for the sharing of resources, responsibilities, and risks among the partners, resulting in increased efficiency and potential benefits for each service provider involved. Through such partnerships, the consortium members can combine their strengths and work towards achieving common objectives that would be challenging to accomplish alone.

(2)       A network of 6 CALD providers come together often to actively discussing ways to enhance the lives and support of CALD individuals who wish to live independently at home. The Network is made up of Co.As.It. GOC Care, Multicultural Communities Gold Coast, Ozpol (All Aged Care), IWAA (Islamic Womens’ Association Australia), Cathay Association Inc. Collaboratively working together, the Network is able to unite knowledge and expertise and truly make a positive impact on the lives of CALD individuals.

Being able to share resources, explore different models of service delivery, and maintain a deep understanding of government guidelines significantly improves the support and assistance provided to CALD individuals. It’s through these bi-monthly meetings that ideas can be exchanged, opportunities can be identified, and the best practices can be disseminated.

This collaborative approach not only benefits CALD individuals seeking support but also contributes to a stronger network among service providers. By working together, we can create a more comprehensive and cohesive system that addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by CALD individuals.

(3)       Co.As.It., through its ILC (Italian Language Centre) division supports schools in Queensland where Italian is taught. By providing financial support and professional development for teachers of Italian, Co.As.It. – ILC is contributing to the improvement of the quality of language education and the enhancement of teachers’ language proficiency. Collaborating with Education Queensland and Catholic Education Offices in Queensland is crucial in ensuring that schools have the necessary resources and expertise to deliver effective Italian language instruction.

Co.As.It. and its division, the Italian Language Centre partners with the Italian Consulate in Brisbane and the Italian Embassy in Canberra, Co.As.It. – ILC encourages continued funding support from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is crucial for sustaining and expanding the teaching of Italian. Additionally, by supporting the Italian community and meeting their needs, Co.As.It. is helping individuals to continue living healthy and independent lives. Providing social connections and cultural events within the community is a great way to foster a sense of belonging and preserve Italian culture and heritage.

(4)       Co.As.It. partners with PHN Brisbane North, and Aspire 4 Life in undertaking RAS (Regional Assessment Services) in the Brisbane area. The RAS teams undertakes assessments for individuals wishing to continue living at home and seek to access in home support.  The national RAS service is funded by the Federal Government, PHN – Brisbane North and Aspire 4 Life, being 2 of the 13 funded organisations contracted to deliver assessment services.