Celebrating life: Valentino reaches 102

Valentino Pozzetti celebrates his birthday at Casa Aurelia in Acacia Ridge.

An article is definitely not enough to do justice to the stories of Valentino Pozzetti’s 102 years of life. Owner of a captivating smile and strong charisma, Valentino commemorated his life milestone at Casa Aurelia surrounded by friends and family on April 9.

The WW2 veteran rules out the myth behind the secret of longevity. “There is no formula to live a long life; it is only sacrifice. It is a constant battle that you fight over your entire life,” says Valentino. As time goes by, he says, the body simply grows stronger.

Valentino knows exactly what a battle is. At 20 years of age, he was sent to fight in Russia alongside the Italian army during the most lethal conflict in human history: World War Two. After the war, Valentino embarked on a new chapter, packing his belongings and crossing the ocean in search of a fresh start. ‘I have a wonderful life in Australia. I’ve never regretted a moment,’ he reflects, a testament to his adventurous spirit and positive outlook.

It was in Australia that Valentino built his life and formed a family. “My grandpa is simply amazing. He is a man of many good stories. It is a privilege to have him in our lives. He has always been there for us,” says Valentino’s granddaughter, Sarah.

Social Group

Valentino had always been reluctant to join Casa Aurelia or any other social group for his age group. He wanted to mingle with younger people. “I remember asking my daughter what I would be doing in a group for older people. I couldn’t be more wrong.” “I would never have imagined that I would meet so many good people in one place. I’m really happy to know them all. Casa Aurelia is the best place for immigrants to make friends and have fun. I feel at home here.”

In fact, at his party organised by Co.As.It., he was so pampered that he even said that this was his best birthday celebration. Valentino, it is a true honour to be part of your life. It is a privilege that we at Co.As.It. are proud to have