Co.As.It. Community Services is a key member of the PHN Brisbane North Consortium
PHN Brisbane North launched the Healthy@Home website on Wednesday 22 May at the PHN’s Lutwyche office, at a function hosted for board members and executive managers of the consortium, of which Co.As.It. is a member.
Representing Co.As.It. Community Services was the President Cav. Nereo Brezzi, Vice President Cav. Antonio Palella and Antony Brown accompanying CEO Dina Ranieri.
Healthy@home is a consortium of 19 leading organisations committed to providing high quality community aged care services in Brisbane North and Caboolture to help older people maximise their independence and remain living at home.
The consortium includes community aged care service providers, government and non-government agencies, peak bodies and advocacy groups. Our workforce exceeds 1000 clinical and non-clinical support staff across all member organisations.
Each of the 13 service provider members has over 20 years’ experience and is fully accredited under the aged care quality standards. Healthy@home delivers Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) services. This is a government-funded program that supports older people who are still managing well at home, but could benefit from some extra help to continue living independently in the community. The goals for service delivery is re-ablement, giving consumers the supports to return to wellness.
Healthy@Home is delivering a national rollout of the Active at Home Program which is a care-worker led home exercise program to help older people regain mobility for independence.
For more information about Co.As.It. Community Services or Healthy@Home please call 07 3624 6100 or visit our Facebook Page @coasitbrisbane