Amici House in Brisbane

How Amici House helped Robyn access My Aged Care services

Robyn Hollis (73) had never fully understood the process and eligibility to access My Aged Care services – this was before learning the nooks and crannies of the system at Amici House. My Aged Care (MAC) serves as the initial step towards accessing Australian government-funded aged care services. For years, Robyn believed that the assistance scheme was only for older adults in their 90s, living in a wheelchair, and receiving nursing home care. Robyn’s misconception of aged care services got even more accentuated after her same-age friend tried registering online without success for MAC early this year. “She received a message informing her she wasn’t eligible to apply. I thought that if she couldn’t get through, I wouldn’t worry about it anymore given its difficulty and complexity,” explains Robyn. Little did Robyn know that her luck was about to change. Having a cup of coffee with friends at Amici House, she was approached one day by the centre’s manager, Barry Egan, with the question: Do you know My Aged Care? “I told him that a friend of mine was considered ineligible and that it was pointless to insist on it as I wouldn’t be eligible either. That’s when he offered me help,” says Robyn. “I came back the following day, and we sat together. It was just like sitting down with my best friend and chatting. Registering for MAC was so easy, as Barry was so welcoming and friendly.” That day, Robyn walked out of Amici House with her My Aged Care number. Within one week, she received a visit from one of the Co.As.It. coordinators, where she was guided through the entire process of getting aged care services. In a short period, she began having physiotherapy and podiatry sessions and receiving domestic assistance. After her experience with the Amici House staff, Robyn became an aged care advocate, spreading the word about organisations such as Co.As.It. leading the way in keeping older adults safe at home. “I struggled to understand MAC, and, in a few minutes, I was registered, thanks to the helpful and supportive staff of Amici House. I wish people could have an Amici House close to home,” concludes Robyn.