Social outings are back!

Our social group outings are back after a long hiatus. The first for 2021 will take place on the 22 February 2021 from Brisbane South to the Botanical Gardens Cafe and then to Greenmount RSL.  You can check out the information on the flyer here. For those living on the north side of Brisbane, the same trip is on offer – you can view the flyer here. The social outings have been a hallmark of Co.As.It. for over 40 years.  Participation is for people who are over 65 and have contacted My Aged Care and obtained a referral for social support (which enables participation in ‘social groups’). The program falls under Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CSHP). The process can be started via a call to My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 (free call).

Dementia Information Session – In Italian

Incontro informativo presso l’Italian Language Centre. Argomento: “Cambiamenti di personalità e comportamento nelle persone con la demenza.” (Si propongono valide strategie & efficaci atteggiamenti per il caregiver)
English Translation:
Informative ‘get together’ at the Italian Language Centre. 42 Newbery Street, Newmarket.
Topic: ‘How to Deal with challenging behaviours in people living with dementia”.
The presentation will be in Italian.
Strictly limited numbers. Please register to attend by calling Cintia on 3624 6100.
Bookings are essential. FREE COVID-safe event.
Ages 16+ are welcome.
If anything changes due to COVID we will inform all registered attendees.
If you cannot attend and/or you do not understand Italian – please visit to view information on ‘Understanding Dementia’ in English and Italian.

SGA Update Tuesday 12 January

All Social Group Activity centres are closed until 25 January 2021 in line with the Qld Govt. Public Health Direction, provided there are zero cases of community transmission until 1am on 22nd January.

All Stay Active Classes are postponed until 25 January 2021 in line with the Qld Govt. Public Health Direction, provided there are zero cases of community transmission until 1am on 22nd January.

All Dance Classes are postponed until 28 January 2021 in line with the Qld Govt. Public Health Direction, provided there are zero cases of community transmission until 1am on 22nd January. There are a few spots left – every Thursday at 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm – please call 3624 6100 to reserve your spot.

A thought for those in need

Christmas is a polarising time of year. For most, it is a time to gather with family and reflect on the year that was. For others, it exacerbates loneliness and isolation. In a year when isolation has been the over-riding theme, Co.As.It. Community Services Ltd has tried to show some of its most vulnerable clients that they’re not alone and that people care about them. Forty very deserving clients received luxury hampers with contents individually sourced and packed by Co.As.It. staff. Judging by the tears and deep gratitude expressed by most recipients, this small gesture made a big difference by brightening many Christmases.

One client has been recently widowed and forced to move to less expensive rental accommodation. As a pensioner, whose only child lives overseas and without family in Queensland, she was facing a bleak Christmas. While the hamper won’t change her isolation on Christmas day, it will at least remind her that there are people near who care about her and it will enable her to indulge a little over the festive season.

Another client has a daughter who lives in Austria and a son who lives in Hervey Bay, but doesn’t visit. She has daily telephone contact with a brother, but no face-to-face contact. She was overwhelmed and delighted to receive the hamper, stating that she will be spending Christmas day alone.

For most of us, the lifting of border restrictions and the number of people allowed to gather in homes, means that a “Covid-normal” Christmas won’t be very different to a usual Christmas. Unfortunately, for many elderly and disadvantaged Australians, being alone at Christmas is usual. Whilst a Christmas hamper may not fill the void created by the absence of family and friends, it does remind people that there are others who care about them and wish them well, now and throughout the year.

The humility of some clients can be overwhelming. One of the recipients has recently been discharged from hospital and is receiving shopping assistance. He rents with two other men and has not seen any family members for more than 40 years, but despite this, suggested that perhaps Co.As.It. should give the hamper to a “more deserving” client. He was assured that he was very deserving and he ultimately accepted the hamper, but wouldn’t smile in the photo due to his lack of teeth.

Another deserving recipient is recovering from two surgeries intended to improve her mobility, whilst visiting her 20-something son who’s recently been diagnosed with two aggressive cancers, in hospital every day. A Co.As.It. client since 2015, this lovely woman is always ready with a cold drink and a biscuit for her care workers, conscious that they often spend all day out and about.


Every hamper recipient has been overcome with gratitude and each one was truly deserving. Co.As.It. wishes each and every client and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy 2021.

Co.As.It. Shines in the Eyes of Clients and Regulator

Co.As.It. Community Services Ltd comes up trumps in regulator’s audit.  100% compliance was achieved in all eight of the new Aged Care Quality Standards. The performance report is available to view by the public on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website.

The organisation has undergone triennial audits since 2000 and has always met the relevant service standards.  The New Aged Care Quality Standards have been implemented by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and came into force from 1st July 2019. For each standard, providers must demonstrate that they:

·      understand the requirement;

·      apply the requirement, and this is clear in the way they provide care and services;

·      monitor how they are applying the requirement and the outcomes they achieve; and

·      review outcomes and adjust their practices based on these reviews to keep improving.


Conducted over three days, auditors spoke to clients, community care workers, co-ordinators, clinical and allied health team leaders and management to confirm Co.As.It.’s compliance with the standards that stipulate eight outcomes for clients. Each standard stipulates a client outcome addressing the following:

1.    Consumer dignity and choice

2.    Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers

3.    Personal care and clinical care

4.    Services and supports for daily living

5.    Organisation’s service environment

6.    Feedback and complaints

7.    Human resources and

8.    Organisational governance

It was a great outcome for the organisation with no specific areas identified for improvements. Co.As.It. abides by its continuous improvement policy and will always endeavour to review and improve systems and processes. This allows the organisation to meet the needs of its clients, staff and government expectations.

SGA Centres Closed

Due to the COVID-19 community transmission that occurred in July,  our Social Group Activity Centres are closed until further notice.  In summary,  all Social Group Activity centres in Brisbane and the Gold Coast are closed in line with restrictions to residential aged care facilities. The decision has been made to keep our clients safe. The decision has also been made in the best interests of our clients.

Stay Active Classes

Co.As.It. physiotherapist, Leonie, runs an exercise group suitable for people aged 65 years and over. The program is aimed at optimizing strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility. Enhance your overall wellbeing and delay age-related stiffness. Ideal for those able to mobilize without the use of a walking aid, walker, or wheelchair.  The program runs with a full COVID Safe Plan in place. FREE classes and bookings are essential.

Brisbane North

Every Monday from 9.30 am to 10.15 am


Bookings are essential – call Eden on 3624 6100

New Class in Brisbane North

Due to popular demand.

Every Monday from 10.45 am to 11.30 am


Bookings are essential – call Eden on 3624 6100

Brisbane South

Every Friday from 1.30 pm to 2.15 pm


Bookings are essential – call Eden on 3624 6100

Co.As.It. Staff to the Rescue

In these strange and stressful times, the internet is full of stories about hoarding and the effect it has on some of our most vulnerable citizens. The opposite is also true, the stories of human kindness and generosity have the power to raise our spirits and remind us that we will get through this. A recent incident involving a Co.As.It. client is one such reminder.

NDIS co-ordinator, Paola Matute provides shopping services for NDIS client, Stephen. After several weeks of empty shelves where toilet paper used to be, Paola became aware that Stephen was using tissues instead. She and fellow NDIS co-ordinator, Bridget Nucifora searched five shopping centres from Chermside to Peninsular Fair but came up empty-handed. On their return to the office, they put out the call for toilet paper amongst their Co.As.It. colleagues.

The next morning, Paola was delighted to find half a dozen rolls of toilet paper on her desk, thanks to the kindness of Co.As.It. staff. She delivered them to Stephen, who was so thrilled, he offered to pay for them!

Co.As.It. has taken every measure to protect its staff and clients and be assured that we are utilising our staff in new and creative ways to ensure that we have the flexibility to meet our clients’ needs. We have withdrawn non-essential services to minimise the risk of spreading the virus and maximise our ability to support our clients who are most in need of support. Regardless of what the future holds, all essential services will continue for our most vulnerable clients.

No dystopian film ever predicted a shortage of toilet paper. We are indeed living through strange and stressful times, but as toilet paper returns to the supermarket shelves, we can take comfort that eventually, this time will pass. Stay home and stay safe and alone, together, we will defeat the virus.

For information about Co.As.It. support and assistance, call 3624 6100.