Tech Class
Have you wanted to embrace technology whilst getting rid of your distrust of it? Try our friendly tech class run by Co.As.It. Community Services at Amici House in Bracken Ridge.
Every Tuesday from 10am to 11am or 11.15am to 12.15pm for $20 per month (4 lessons), learn to master your smartphone to become familiar with technology and gain confidence in using your device.
All levels are welcome. Amici House is located at 294 Bracken Ridge Road, Bracken Ridge, and has plenty of on-site parking.
Bookings are essential, so contact Co.As.It. Community Services on 07 3624 6100 or fill out the form below!
Register your interest

This class provides numerous benefits by equipping you with basic knowledge of technology, the internet, and apps. It highlights the importance of using these tools to stay in touch with friends, family and the broader community, thereby reducing social isolation. The class is slow-paced and is taught by a friendly teacher who will help you feel reassured in handling technology while learning to avoid falling for scams and maintaining security online.