Our vision
- To be a leader in the provision of quality, accessible and affordable community care services for the general and CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) communities.
- To be the focal point in Queensland for the promotion and the study of the Italian Language and Culture.
Since 1978, Co.As.It. has established a proven track record of high quality service delivery, industry credibility, a committed work ethic and strong connections to the community. Co.As.It. has developed its practice of planning, developing and implementing aged care and community services that respond directly to the identified needs of its clients over its 40+ year history.
Most importantly, Co.As.It. is intensely proud of its vision and humanistic approach to service delivery that equips clients to extend their individual capacity, learn skills to assist them to identify and help meet their needs, and to remain active and participate more fully in society.
Co.As.It’s organisational values are:
Dignity, Sensitivity, Honesty, Value and Excellence

What makes us unique
With over 40 years’ experience we treat our clients as extended family members, an ethos that is part of our culture, our heritage and our development. Our trained and qualified staff has a richness of life experience, with over 30 different linguistic and cultural competencies and above all, a genuine and committed sense of caring for others.